
Info in English

Opening hours:

If you need AKS before school we open our doors at 7.30. They are then closed again for enterens at 8.00. Come to "lille skolegård" to sign in. From 8.15 the children can play in the school's playground with supervision from both school and AKS.

When school finish for the day AKS is taking over. We close at 16.30.

What does it cost?

Full time for 1108 NOK. The pupil can then attend AKS every day after school.

Part time membership for free. With this arrangement the pupil can attend AKS 12 hours a week, 2.5 hours a day. For the school holidays, you have 2 days a week when AKS is open.

How to apply:

Søk om plass

How to terminate the contract:

Oppsigelse av plassen